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A Summer Love Story edition by Dennis Browne Romance eBooks

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Download PDF A Summer Love Story  edition by Dennis Browne Romance eBooks

Nick White battles through poverty and a one way love affair to become a millionaire, only to realize that he is alone and his life is still completely empty. Then Hurricane Sandy strikes and he saves the life of a little girl, Laney, who loses her mother. Feeling responsible for the child's welfare, he invites Laney and her new guardian, Tess, into his home, and experiences an unforgettable summer filled with love, joy--and a little girl who saves the life of her terminally ill friend in a way that you will never forget.

A Summer Love Story edition by Dennis Browne Romance eBooks

Browne's storytelling is genuine and straight-forward, with a playful tone that endears Nick to the readers as the story progresses. The first half of the book felt more serious as we learn how Nick fell hard and fast for sweet Lori, but was seduced by her family's luxurious lifestyle just as much as her charms. At first, their romance seems picturesque, but ultimately he loses Lori to her own greed. However, Nick doesn't let his heartache stop his own rise to success! Sadly, Nick soon realizes he has one thing missing - a family to share his blessings. In the second half, everything changes for Nick when Hurricane Sandy wreaks havoc in his area. Nick's selfless heroics save a young girl named Laney, who became orphaned and homeless during the hurricane. On a whim, Nick makes an offer that seems crazy - he offers a place for the little girl and her intimidating guardian, Aunt Tess, to stay while they get back on their feet. The pace of the story quickens and the language became even lighter and more charming than before. The reader really feels the joy Nick experiences as the two visitors quickly begin to feel like a family for Nick. Family means sharing in the joy and heartache of those you love, and unfortunately this story deals plenty in both sides. Browne deals with these complex situations with a warmth and delicacy that makes the reader empathize with the characters.

Product details

  • File Size 756 KB
  • Print Length 128 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date September 7, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read A Summer Love Story  edition by Dennis Browne Romance eBooks

Tags : A Summer Love Story - Kindle edition by Dennis Browne. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Dennis Browne,A Summer Love Story,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Romance Suspense
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A Summer Love Story edition by Dennis Browne Romance eBooks Reviews

Thought the story line was wonderful!! Enjoyed this book alot!! The ending really shocked me!! I would definitely recommend this book.
pure trash! started but never finished book! i dislike the fact that i have to pay for this book! read the nightingale.
When I want to read about romance I would never pick this. First wife leaves and he never contacts her,ever? Who does that? Then pulls dead women from under tree,again who does this. If the story wasn't depressing enough, the little girl that was saved dies at the end of the book!
Did not like the ending.
It was quite surprising.
More, Dennis. More! Some see what will be. Some will be what they see. Thank yo for your beautiful insight.
I loved this book and devoured it in one sitting! The author has created a contemporary romance with some really lovable characters with complicated issues. My favorite aspect of this book is that the story is told from the perspective of the male main character, Nick. Nick is such an interesting character with a varied and deep history and I loved seeing the stages of his life as he moved into the romance section of this story. I simply refuse to ruin the ending of this novella for you. It will have to suffice to say that the ending is so packed full of surprise that this book will haunt you long after you’ve finished the last page. You’ll be left re-hashing the plot in your mind, wondering at all you ever thought to be true about love and happy endings.
Browne's storytelling is genuine and straight-forward, with a playful tone that endears Nick to the readers as the story progresses. The first half of the book felt more serious as we learn how Nick fell hard and fast for sweet Lori, but was seduced by her family's luxurious lifestyle just as much as her charms. At first, their romance seems picturesque, but ultimately he loses Lori to her own greed. However, Nick doesn't let his heartache stop his own rise to success! Sadly, Nick soon realizes he has one thing missing - a family to share his blessings. In the second half, everything changes for Nick when Hurricane Sandy wreaks havoc in his area. Nick's selfless heroics save a young girl named Laney, who became orphaned and homeless during the hurricane. On a whim, Nick makes an offer that seems crazy - he offers a place for the little girl and her intimidating guardian, Aunt Tess, to stay while they get back on their feet. The pace of the story quickens and the language became even lighter and more charming than before. The reader really feels the joy Nick experiences as the two visitors quickly begin to feel like a family for Nick. Family means sharing in the joy and heartache of those you love, and unfortunately this story deals plenty in both sides. Browne deals with these complex situations with a warmth and delicacy that makes the reader empathize with the characters.
Ebook PDF A Summer Love Story  edition by Dennis Browne Romance eBooks

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